You have to examine yourself. You have to see who you are. You have to begin to understand, you are not the doer and become still and relaxed and peaceful with yourself. The way you become peaceful is by realizing I am not the doer. I didn’t ask to be born the way I am. I didn’t ask to be born of certain parents, in a certain country, at a certain time. I didn’t ask to be born into an impoverished family or into a wealthy family or into a spiritual family or into an atheist family or into a family of agnostics. You didn’t ask for that yet you find yourself in that particular family.
If you are fortunate enough when you get to the age of reason you begin to question, “How did I get here? What am I doing in this environment? Who put me here? What is my purpose?” As you sincerely ask yourself these questions, the answers will be revealed to you and you will begin to understand that everything was predetermined, preordained. If you are fortunate enough to come under the tutelage of a guru, or a Jnani it will be explained to you that you may appear to think that you were born into this particular family under these circumstance but in reality that is not you. You are not that. You are boundless. You are free. You are of the unborn. You have always been and you will always be. That is your true nature.
Robert Adams