“Being the head of the household means work, duty, and great responsibility. The head of the household is the one responsible for everything that happens in the family. You cannot enjoy the privileges of headship and not be willing to shoulder the responsibilities that come with it. You can’t franchise, subcontract or outsource your husband responsibilities and not hurt your wife and marriage. You are accountable to God for the physical and spiritual welfare of your family. Make your wife’s life easier by carrying all your responsibilities dutifully. Your wife was not created to play her role and yours at the same time. Your wife should not live like a widow while you are still alive. You are the CEO, you are the Priest, Provider and Protector of the family. Therefore be involved. Be present. Take charge. Work hard. Pray, plan and execute. Remember your wife is your “suitable helper” not the other way round. Let your wife thank God that she is married to you.”
~Isaac Kubvoruno on HUSBANDS