You concern yourself with the news on television. The stock market reports. What’s happening in Europe. If you were around five hundred years ago the same things were happening. Just different names. The world is total ridiculous. The world is a joke, a cosmic joke and the joke is on you. Simply because you will not wake up. You’re always thinking, thinking, thinking, trying to change bad for good. Hoping you’re going to have a good week this week. Hoping that you’ll not be in pain.
This is exactly what I’m referring to. What difference does it make? It doesn’t make any difference. You are a child of the universe. And if you will surrender all of those things, give them up. By give them up I mean, you are no longer concerned over them. If you have terminal cancer, that’s okay. If you have abundant health, that’s okay. If you have millions of dollars, that’s okay. If you have zero dollars. that’s okay.
When you begin to be equal. When you become balanced and there is no more differences to you then you will feel something happening. For as long as long as there is the slightest difference then the scale becomes unbalanced and you feel these differences in your life.
So you are the cause of your misery and the cause of everything that happens in your life. Simply because there is noone else but you. There appears to be others. There appears to be a world. There appears to be accidents. There appears to be man’s inhumanity to man. And these appearances are very strong. Yet are they really happening and to whom are they happening to?
RA oct 10, 1991