? MINDFULNESS – Explained step by step
The mind is constantly aware of outer and inner phenomena. It reacts to external conditions. If it sees an image of the Buddha, it will conceive faith and be inspired to take refuge and ask for blessings. If someone creates a disturbance or causes irritation, faith will be lost immediately and turn into anger. The mind is constantly changing.
The right way to investigate the nature of mind is not to perpetuate past thoughts, not to invite the arising of future thoughts, and to remain in the present in a balanced state. The mind should be neither distracted by outer objects nor excessively withdrawn into a state of apathy. Let it rest in a relaxed and open state.
Remain in such a state, without trying to conceive thoughts of devotion and compassion, without being distracted by outer events or invaded by anger and attachment—simply allow the mind to remain as it is, yet fully aware. This is called mindfulness.
~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche – Pith Instructions – Shambhala Publications, Inc.